Welcome To Larry's Website

#1 THE TRUTH IS DELIVERED IN TINY INCREMENTS, my gift to you this Christmas is the whole truth.

My list:

- This is the first item on my list.

- Slowly I begin to realise that I do not have much to say to the general public.

LOOK AT ME! I'm a line of text sliding across the screen. LOOK AT ME! I'm a line of text sliding across the screen. Image Gallery LOVE IS REAL IT LOOKED INTO MY EYES AND SPIT INTO THEM LOVE IS REAL IT LOOKED INTO MY EYES AND SPIT INTO THEM

I'm Going To Start Wearing A Hat...

Comment down below now if you're taking a stand against teenagers and their sporadic reinventions of self that usually end with a Really Bad Haircut. I say this with love in my heart.

P.S hi!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S apples says hello

My Mind Has Never Been Clearer

I don’t have the moxie of a Tiktok heartthrob with a massive penis. I just don’t. This is why I shuffle down the aisles of grocery stores at the mall… shaking with fear… diet foods clutched in hand.