I'm Going To Start Wearing A Hat...
Comment down below now if you're taking a stand against teenagers and their sporadic reinventions of self that usually end with a Really Bad Haircut. I say this with love in my heart.
#1 THE TRUTH IS DELIVERED IN TINY INCREMENTS, my gift to you this Christmas is the whole truth.
My list:
- This is the first item on my list.
- Slowly I begin to realise that I do not have much to say to the general public.
Comment down below now if you're taking a stand against teenagers and their sporadic reinventions of self that usually end with a Really Bad Haircut. I say this with love in my heart.
P.S hi!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.P.S apples says hello
I don’t have the moxie of a Tiktok heartthrob with a massive penis. I just don’t. This is why I shuffle down the aisles of grocery stores at the mall… shaking with fear… diet foods clutched in hand.